Our School » Mission and Vision

Mission and Vision

       Los Angeles Unified School District’s Mission Statement

The Teachers, administrators, and staff of the Los Angeles Unified School District believe in the equal worth and dignity of all students and are committed to educate all students to their maximum potential

       Wilshire Park Elementary School’s Mission Statement

All members if the Wilshire Park learning community are committed to providing all students with meaningful opportunities in which to achieve their maximum academic, creative, and social potential as self-reflective, lifelong learners who can adapt and contribute to the evolving, diverse and technologically advanced world community

      Wilshire Park’s Vision

At Wilshire Park, we strive to build meaningful relationships with our students, families, staff, and community by remaining sensitive to each student’s social, emotional and academic needs. Our challenging programs are designed to be rigorous in order to maximize each student’s academic potential as they relate their newly acquired knowledge to the world around them. We design our curriculum to build intelligence, collaboration, and empathy, so that our students will develop a deep respect for others and a commitment to the community beyond the school. We envision a school, which thrives on collaboration among all stakeholders and policy-making aspects of our school, working closely together to meet the needs of our diverse student population and their families.

        Our School

The school community consists of the parents, teachers, administrative staff, students, and community members. In order to promote a collaborative culture, 3 committees have been established: English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), Compensatory Education Advisory Committee (CEAC), and the School Site Council (SSC). Parents serve in leadership roles in all three committees with teacher participation on the school site council. The ELAC and CEAC serve to advise the SSC in all areas of decision and policy-making

Parent Volunteers are an integral part of the Wilshire Park Elementary. Parents are visible in many daily roles as well as during special events. The office requires that all parent volunteers fill out an application and be approved by the school district’s requirements prior to volunteering. Parents are welcome to assist the teachers in the classroom, supervise on the yard for recess and lunch, manage the drop off and pick up in the mornings and afternoons, and assist with the numerous school-wide activities and functions such as the Fall Festival, Winter Program, Spring Festival, Earth Day beautification, Book Fairs, fundraising, and Talent Show to name a few.
Wilshire Park has an active PTA that provides additional support and resources for our school such as fundraising, tutoring, and special events such as Caught Being Good, Student of the Month. Parents are encouraged to participate in the many activities at the school and to become an active member of the PTA.